Presentations, Publications and Media

Past Speaking Engagements


    1. Considering Culturally Safe Oral Health Care. College of Dental Hygienists. Halifax, NS. (November)
    2. Creating Safe and Welcoming Healthcare Environments for Mi’kmaq and Indigenous Peoples. NS Strategic Health Partnership Meeting. Millbrook First Nation, NS. (November)
    3. Aboriginal Children’s Hurt & Healing-Indigenous Health Research Advancements. Chronic Pain Network Annual General Meeting. Hamilton, ON. (October).
    4. Healing and Self-Determination in Research. Wabanaki Labrador Co-Learning Summit. Halifax, NS. (October)
    5. Considering Culturally Safe Care in Long-Term Care. Halifax, NS. (June)
    6. Indigenous Stories, Strengths and Strategies for Wellness: Research Impact.  Dalhousie Medical School Resident Research Awards Ceremony. Halifax, NS. (June)
    7. Considering Culturally Safe Care at Kiknu. Long-term Care Facility Training. Eskasoni, NS. (April)


    1. Relationships, Respect & Leadership: Indigenous-led Pathways into Nursing. Krembil University Health Network International Nursing Conference, Toronto. (November).
    2. Influencing change towards reconciliation in nursing education. Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing Biennial Education 2023 Conference (Invited Panel), St John’s Newfoundland. (May).


    1. Creating Culturally Safe Spaces in Healthcare: Supporting Indigenous Patients, Families and Communities. NS Health and IWK Indigenous Speaker Series. (Virtual). (November).
    2. Collectively Advancing Indigenous Health Nursing and Indigenous Nursing Research and Policy. International Indigenous Nursing Research, Austin, Texas. (Panel Presentation). (November).
    3. Development and Testing of the Indigenous Nursing Student Success Survey. International Indigenous Nursing Research Conference, Austin, Texas.(Poster). (November).
    4. Improving Perioperative Care for Indigenous Peoples. Annual Canadian Anesthesiologists Society Meeting, Halifax, NS. (June).
    5. The Value of Two-Eyed Seeing in the Public Health Context. Public Health Agency of Canada Phactually Speaking Webinar Series. (June).
    6. Shifting Ground Through Art: Establishing Safe Approaches to Share & Manage Pain. CIHR Chronic Pain Network (CPN), Annual General Meeting. (Virtual). (March).
    7. Shift the Narrative: Strengths-based and Culturally Safe Considerations for Better Pain Care and Policy Related to Indigenous Peoples. Canadian Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Montreal, Canada. (May).
    8. Helping Indigenous Youth Get Healthcare by Using the Kids Hurt App. International Study for Pediatric Pain Conference. (Virtual). (March).


    1. Using art within health systems to promote healing and communication. International Meeting of Indigenous Child Health. (Virtual). (September).
    2. Trauma Informed Considerations for Education & Health. St. Francis Xavier University. Antigonish, NS. (April).


    1. Translating Indigenous Community Knowledge into Clinician Curriculum. Indigenous Health Conference. University of Toronto. Toronto, ON. (December)
    2. Partnering to Mobilize Indigenous Knowledge for Child & Youth Health. Indigenous Health Conference. University of Toronto. Toronto, ON. (December)
    3. Navigating Indigenous Health Research Practice Knowledge. Chronic Pain Network Peer Webinar Series. (November)


    1. Understanding the Link Between Culture and Care: Indigenous Children and Pain. Child Welfare League of Canada Webinar. (November)
    2. Translating Indigenous Community Knowledge into Clinician Curriculum. Children’s Healthcare Canada Conference. Ottawa, ON. (December)
    3. CHOP Pediatric Global Health Conference. Philadelphia, PA. (October)
    4. Dalhousie University. Visiting Researcher Lecture (Dr. Elizabeth Kepreotes). Halifax, NS. (May)
    5. Nova Scotia Nurses Union (NSNU) Annual General Meeting. Truro, NS. (April)
    6. Atlantic Rural and Remote Physicians Conference. Halifax, NS. (April)
    7. Chronic Pain Network Annual Meeting. Toronto, ON. (April)
    8. International Meeting on Indigenous Child Health (IMICH). Calgary, AB (March)
    9. Film screening with Panel Discussion – The Journey. IWK Health Centre. Halifax, NS (March)
    10. Dalhousie University Senate. Halifax, NS (February)


    1. Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Grand Rounds. Ottawa, ON (June)
    2. Cape Breton Regional Hospital – ER, Peds and EHS staff. Sydney, NS (June)
    3. 39th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Pain Society. Montreal, QC (May)
    4. Art From the Heart. Art Gallery of Nova Scotia. Yarmouth, NS (May)
    5. IWK Health Centre Grand Rounds. Halifax, NS (May)
    6. Chronic Pain Network Annual Meeting. Hamilton, ON (April)


    1. Provincial Pediatric Pain Management Symposium. Vancouver, BC (September)
    2. Canadian Pediatric Society Conference. Vancouver, BC (June)
    3. Indigenous Health Research Caucus. Parliament Hill. Ottawa, ON (June)
    4. Nova Scotia Hearing & Speech. Halifax, NS (June)
    5. International Meeting on Indigenous Child Health. Denver, Colorado (March/April)
    6. Dr. Nadine Caron Speaking Event. Dalhousie University. Halifax, NS (March)


    1. Conquer the Hurt Conference. SickKids Toronto, ON (November)
    2. PEI Front-line Workers. Charlottetown, PEI (September)
    3. Halifax Central Library. Halifax, NS (May)
    4. Nation 2 Nation Speaker Series. Cape Breton University. Sydney, NS (January)
    5. Global Health Fair. IWK Health Centre. Halifax, NS (January)


    1. International Forum of Pediatric Pain. White Point Beach, NS (October)
    2. Pain in Child Health Strategic Training Conference. Halifax, NS (October)
    3. Dalhousie Dentistry School 4th Year Student Presentation. Halifax, NS (October)
    4. Gorsebrook Junior High. Halifax, NS (October)
    5. International Meeting on Indigenous Child Health. Ottawa, ON (March)
    6. Canadian Pain Society Scientific Conference. Charlottetown, PEI (May)
    7. Gorsebrook Junior High. Halifax, NS (February)
    8. Riverside Educational Centre. Milford, NS (January)


    1. Unamaki Health Director Meeting. Dartmouth, NS. (December)
    2. Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre. Halifax, NS. (November)
    3. University of Toronto Indigenous Health Conference. Toronto, ON (November)
    4. Unama’ki College, Cape Breton University. Sydney, NS (November)


    1. Dalhousie University Research in Medicine Series. Halifax, NS (November)
    2. Dalhousie University School of Nursing Scholars Series. Halifax, NS (October)
    3. Canadian Pain Society Annual Conference. Winnipeg, MB (May)
    4. Dalhousie University Youth in Challenging Contexts Funder Presentation. Halifax, NS (January)


    1. Atlantic Provinces Inter-Professional Pain Conference. Halifax, NS (September)

Peer Reviewed Publications


    1. Carrier, L., Dame, J., Wright, A. L., & Latimer, M. (2023). Involving families in the care of Indigenous infants: A philosophical exploration of Indigenous ways of knowing to inform nursing research and practice in the neonatal intensive care unit. Journal of Clinical Nursing32(7-8), 1495-1505. doi: 10.1111/jocn.16391


    1. VanEvery, R., Latimer, M. & Naveau, A. (2022).  Clinical Strategies to Develop Connections, Promote Health and Address Pain From the Perspectives of Indigenous Youth, Elders, and CliniciansFrontiers in Pain Research, 3(857624. 1 – 10. doi: 10.3389/fpain.2022.857624.
    2. Sylliboy, J., Bird, N., Butler, E., Perley, G., Wilmot, K. (2022). Two-Spirits’ Response to Covid_19: Survey Findings in Atlantic Canada Identify Priorities and Developing Practices. International Journal of Indigenous Health. Vol. 17, Issue 1, 2022-14. doi: 10.32799/ijih.v18i1.36724


    1. Sylliboy, J.R., Margot, L., Marshall, E.A. & MacLeod, E. (2021).  Communities take the lead: exploring Indigenous health research practices through Two-Eyed Seeing & kinship.International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 80(1). 1 – 11.
    2. White T, Murphy K, Branje K, McKibbon S, Cunsolo A, Latimer M, McMillan J, Sylliboy J, & Martin D (2021). How has Indigenous Health Research changed in Atlantic Canada over two decades? A scoping review from 2001 to 2020. Soc Sci Med; 279:113947. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.113947.
    3. Murphy K, Branje K, White T, Cunsolo A, Latimer M, McMillan J, Sylliboy JR, McKibbon S, & Martin D (2021). Are we walking the talk of participatory Indigenous health research? A scoping review of the literature in Atlantic Canada. PLoS One.;16(7):e0255265. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255265.
    4. Sylliboy, J. (2021). Coming Out is Part of the Life Cycle: A Qualitative Study using Two-Eyed Seeing to Understand A Two-Spirits Coming Out Process. Global Public Health. doi: 10.1080/17441692.2021.1993953.


    1. Latimer, M., Sylliboy, J., Francis, J., Amey, S., Rudderham, S., Finley, G.A., MacLeod, E. & Paul, K. (2020).  Co-creating better health care experiences for First Nation Children & Youth: The FIRST approaches emerges from Two-Eyed Seeing.Pediatric & Neonatal Pain, 2(4). 104-112.
    2. Sylliboy, J. R., & Hovey, R. B. (2020). Humanizing Indigenous Peoples’ engagement in health careCmaj192(3), E70-E72. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.190754.


    1. MacLeod, E., Steenbeek, A., Latimer, M., & Bombay, A. (2019). University students’ self-rated health and use of health services: A secondary analysis. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research52(4), 308-316.
    2. Latimer, M. & Sylliboy, J. (2019). Aboriginal Children’s Hurt & Healing (ACHH) Initiative: First Nation community health video. First Peoples Child & Family Review, 13(2).
    3. Sylliboy, J. R. (2019). Using l’nuwey worldview to conceptualize two-spirit. Antistasis9(1), 96-116.


    1. Aboriginal Children’s Hurt & Healing (ACHH) Initiative. First Nation community health video [Video file]. (2018). The First Peoples Child & Family Review: Special Audiovisual Edition. 13(2). Retrieved from
    2. Latimer, M., Rudderham, S., Lethbridge, L., MacLeod, E., Harman, K., Sylliboy, J. R., Filiaggi, C. & Finley, G. A. (2018).  Occurrence of and referral to specialists for pain-related diagnoses in First Nations and non–First Nations children and youth.Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ), 190(49): E1434-E1440. doi:
    3. Latimer, M., Sylliboy, J. R., MacLeod, E., Rudderham, S., Francis, J., Hutt-Macleod, D., . . . Finley, G. A. (2018).  Creating a safe space for First Nations youth to share their pain. PAIN Reports, 3(Suppl. 1). E682. doi: 10.1097/pr9.0000000000000682


    1. Latimer, M., Finley, G.A., Rudderham, S., Inglis, S., Francis, J., Young, S., & Hutt-MacLeod, D. (2014).  Expression of pain in Mi’kmaq children from one Atlantic Canadian community: A qualitative study.Canadian Medical Association Journal Open, 2(3). E133-E138.
    2. Latimer, M., Simandl, D., Finley, A., Rudderham, S., Harman, K., Young, S., MacLeod, E., Hutt-MacLeod, D., & Francis, J. (2014).  Understanding the impact of the pain experience on Aboriginal children’s wellbeing: Viewing through a Two-Eyed Seeing lens.First Peoples Child and Family Review, 9(1). 22-37.


    1. Latimer, M., Young, S., Dell, C., & Finley, G. A. (2012).  Aboriginal children and physical pain: What do we know?.Journal of Aboriginal Health, 9(1). 7-14.

Past Exhibit Dates


  • Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Grand Rounds. Ottawa, ON (June)
  • Art From the Heart. Art Gallery of Nova Scotia. Yarmouth, NS (May)


  • PICH2Go Indigenous. Art Gallery of Nova Scotia. Halifax, NS (October)
  • Provincial Pediatric Pain Management Symposium. Vancouver, BC (September)
  • Dalhousie University Indigenous Health Interest Group, Dr. Nadine Caron Speaking Event. Halifax, NS (March)


  • Conquer the Hurt Conference. SickKids. Toronto, ON (November)
  • Canadian Association of Pediatric Health Centres Annual Conference. Halifax, NS (October)
  • IWK Health Centre. Halifax, NS (August)
  • Chalmers Hospital. Fredericton, NB (August)
  • St Mary’s First Nation Cultural Centre. St. Mary’s, NB (August)
  • National Aboriginal Day Event. Lennox Island, PEI (June)
  • Prince County Hospital. Summerside, PEI (June)
  • Canadian Pediatric Society 93rd Annual Conference. Charlottetown, PEI (June)
  • Millbrook First Nation, NS (May)
  • Eskasoni First Nation, NS (May)
  • Colchester Regional Hospital. Truro, NS (May)
  • Cape Breton Regional Hospital. Sydney, NS (May)
  • University of Toronto Indigenous Health Conference. Toronto, ON (May)

Past Media Appointments









National Truth & Reconciliation Day – September 30, 2024

Indigenous Clinician Gathering – Six Nations of the Grand River (September/October 2023)

ACHH Initiative: Chronic Pain Network Annual General Meeting (March 2021)

ACHH Initiative Collaboration: CPN and De dwa da dehs nye>s Aboriginal Health Centre (April 2020)

ACHH Video: About our Research
Developed by Kayla Rudderham (Summer Student 2014-2015).

ACHH Video: Two Eyed Seeing Approach

ACHH Video: Art from the Heart

ACHH Video: Artist Alan Syliboy & Dale Sheppard (AGNS) on the ACHH Initiative

ACHH Video: First Nation Community Health

Canadian Nurse (April 2013).  No Place Like Home
