Project Description
The ACHH Maritimes project grew from the original UnPPAC work and an increased need to further explore the pain and hurt experiences of Indigenous children and youth. The ACHH Initiative partnered with four First Nation communities in the Mi’kmaw and Wolastoqey region (three Mi’kmaq and one Wolastoq). These communities included Eskasoni First Nation, Millbrook First Nation, Lennox Island First Nation and St. Mary’s First Nation. This project involved the completion of demographic surveys and Talking Circles with children & youth (146), parents (25), Elders (18) and adults professionals (32). A sub-sample of child and youth participants (42) also completed art sessions with Mi’kmaw artist Alan Syliboy. Further to this, a retrospective health data analysis was completed which Mi’kmaq children and youth (2631) compared to a group of non-Mi’kmaw children and youth (2631).
We relied on a community-based approach and partnership to collaboratively work with each community. Two-Eyed Seeing guided all aspects of the research including data collection, analysis, interpretation and knowledge translation. In addition, The (Sacred) Medicine Wheel (to the right) served as a guide to analyze the artwork in relation to the Indigenous youth’s health.