ACHH National

Project Description

The ACHH National project involves the expansion of the ACHH Maritimes work through the addition of partnering sites from across Canada. Through this project we have networked with over nine Indigenous community locations from across Canada and into the United States and have established a successful partnership with De Dwa Da Dehs Nye>s Aboriginal Health Centre (DAHC), in Hamilton, ON, Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre in Halifax, NS and a community site in Winnipeg, MB.

Each partnering site is at a different phase of the research process with data collection in Hamilton having been completed and still on-going at the Halifax site. Our partnering location in Winnipeg, MB will be completing app testing on the Kids Hurt App with their project currently seeking ethical approval from their local ethics board. Data collection has been completed in Hamilton, is ongoing in Halifax and just beginning in Winnipeg.


From the partnerships across the country the findings of ACHH National resulted in finding ways for Indigenous knowledge to guide culturally-safe child and youth healthcare. One of these practices involves the LISTEN Approach, which outlines ways to maintain balance and clinical considerations.

A visual representation of the work done during the ACHH National project (Above).

Find Out More

Discover more about how the ACHH National project introduced the LISTEN Approach.