Since 2019, one focus of the ACHH Initiative Team has been creating opportunities for future health practitioners to incorporate cultural safety into their practice and care for Indigenous children and youth. This effort led to the creation of the Dalhousie IPHE Course: Introduction to Cultural Safety in Healthcare for Indigenous People.
The Introduction to Cultural Safety in Healthcare for Indigenous People is required for Dalhousie University students in medicine, pharmacy, nursing, dental hygiene, and dentistry. The main aim of the course is to address the TRC Calls to Action by engaging students in learning about the history of Indigenous People and the policies that have impacted their health and health-seeking behaviours. This introductory course prepares students for clinical practice by teaching historical events, treaties, landmark documents, as well as anti-racism training, trauma-informed care approaches, and cultural safety.
During the course, three Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) of Canada Calls to Action are specifically addressed: